Re: [tied] RE: biserica

From: george knysh
Message: 23271
Date: 2003-06-14

--- S & L <mbusines@...> wrote:
> NB: "biserica" means both church as a building and
> church as the religious institution: Biserica
> Ortodoxa,
> ... etc.
> George
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> AND the prelates/priests from the church AND the
> community of the
> Christians/believers AND the church with his priests
> and his believers AND
> ... [there are 16 meanings listed in the
> dictionary!] . AND even pub(lic
> house); inn [in slang!]. :-)
> S o r i n

****GK: George and Sorin,

It is therefore arguable that in Romanian the basic
word (which referred to a building) was subsequently
stretched to include various other senses of "church".
I take it that the translated Romanian Bible also uses
this term? Thus the famous statement in Matthew 16
where Christ announces that he will build his Church
(i.e. the community of believers)would in Romanian be
rendered as Christ's intention to build his
"Biserica"? Ditto re the "disciplinary" comment of
Matthew 18 about "telling the Church" of someone's
misdeed? In Romanian "telling the Biserica"? And Paul
would be addressing some of his Epistles to the
"Biserica" which is meeting in disciple X's house
(where "house" would be rendered by some other
term).Have I got this right?******

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