Re: biserica

From: m_iacomi
Message: 23284
Date: 2003-06-14

--- In, george knysh wrote:

> It is therefore arguable that in Romanian the basic
> word (which referred to a building) was subsequently
> stretched to include various other senses of "church".
> I take it that the translated Romanian Bible also uses
> this term?

Normally yes: "[...] voi zidi Biserica mea" says Christ.

> misdeed? In Romanian "telling the Biserica"? And Paul
> would be addressing some of his Epistles to the
> "Biserica" which is meeting in disciple X's house

"[...] catre Biserica lui Dumnezeu"

> Have I got this right?******


I use this occasion to self-correct my previous post in which
some special characters were bad reproduced: the Slavic etymon
for "Târcovnic" is "crUkovInikU" (corrected the iers).

Marius Iacomi