Asen bros' (was: Yers)

From: m_iacomi
Message: 23110
Date: 2003-06-12

--- In, "fortuna11111" wrote:

> I think it was said they were probably Kumans. I read this very
> long ago and most of my books are in Bulgaria. What I have
> here, Bozhidar Dimitrov, 2001, refers to the old sources on the
> subject, including Nikita Honiat, [...]

"Nikita"?! That's bad sign since the guy was Byzantine. In modern
transliteration one should write "Nicetas (Niketas) Choniates".

> and claims Bulgarian historians have no grounds to say they were
> Kumans since "the old sources say nothing on the subject."

That is: on Asen brothers being Cumans. Of course he claims that.
They weren't.

> Which probably means they also do not say they were Wallachians.

That is: you did not read the primary source but you infer things.

> So some people may laugh that I want to re-read the old sources
> (and not just read quotes from them or take the words of others
> for granted), but it is my way of 1. confronting my own possible
> illusions, 2. confronting the illusions of others.

Then do it.

> I would add from myself: There is no such thing as objective
> history. It is clear that everyone reflects his own biases.

For example, Bulgarian historians do not mention usually the
important Vlach element in the state lead by "imperator omnium
Bulgarorum et Blachorum".

Marius Iacomi