Re: [tied] Yers

From: fortuna11111
Message: 23048
Date: 2003-06-11

<pita> 'pie, honycomb' is also present in
> > > Albanian and I am afraid that it is singularized plural of
> > > <petë> 'sheet, something flatten' and also have nothing to do
> with
> > > pizza (cf. sing. breg, pl. brigje 'see cost, river bank',
> pl.
> > > shtigje 'paths').

Yes, pita in Bulgarian means flat bread. It is an old word. In
the "rubbish" there is a parallel from Greek (phtta) and from Pashto

Btw. on bulg. hubav "gut, schön" (a very common word), from Pokorny:

uridg. *su-bhago

> ai. su- (subhaga "beglückend")

> av. hu- (hubaga "gutes Eheglück gewährend")

It is "hub" in Pashto and Farsi.
