Re: [tied] vegliot

From: alex
Message: 22628
Date: 2003-06-04

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:
>> I know exactly the word "vieklo"=old exist in Vegliot since I
>> compiled by myself the Rom-Vegliot corespondances (298 words).
> Then you should also be aware of the fact that vÉt'lu > viéklo, with
> /E/ > /ie/ in stressed position, while in an adjective such as
> *vetlesá:nu > veklisún both /e/'s are unstressed, and do not
> diphthongize. Cf. Spanish viejo "old" vs. vejez "old age".
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...

That is right, but it still does not explain the name of languages.
Since you are speaking a romance, me too ( do I?:-)), it should be easy
to follow a bit the "sound" for Veklisun. Can you show some simmilar, or
appropiate adjectives which ens in -sun from LAtin or just we have to
keep it for a "specifical vegliot feature"?

BTW, which should be the etymoplogy of the South Slavic ( Serbian and
Bulgarian ) "velik"= big?