
From: alex
Message: 22343
Date: 2003-05-28

private message

Abdullah Konushevci wrote:
> Yes, exactly. But, other meanings of the verb thaj 'to dry' are
> also 'to cut': Më thau dorën "It cut my hand". I think and I beleave
> that the derived meaning 'to dry' is metaphorical one, probably from
> cutted branches of the trees.

Hmmm.. exactly the expresion "më thau" should mean "I cut myself" or
simply " I cut"?
I just think at the Romanian "mã tai" = "I cut myself" and "I cuted my
hand" ( not in the sense of definitely cutted, but just a cut on the
hand" is " mã tai la mânã". This is why I ask.
