Re: Ukrainian words from Carpathians

From: tolgs001
Message: 22033
Date: 2003-05-17

>>(Alex) Or that the Dacians became latinised because
>>1/3 of their theritory was for 150 Years under Roman
>******GK: Yes, that is a difficulty for the integral
>autochtonists. But as the literature demonstrates it
>is obviously not insuperable (:=)))*****

Yeah, but Alex constantly avoids mentioning and/or
taking into consideration that the substratum population
lived not only in the occupied greater Dacia and the
regions which remained free, but also in Dacia
ripensis, Dacia mediterranea, Moesia Superior,
Pannonia, Dardania, Thrace etc. And these territories
were under Roman influence for a much longer time.

>******GK: Good luck (:=))) My issue compares to yours
>as a puddle to the ocean...*****

Indeed. ;)
