Re: Labiovelar in Latin

From: tolgs001
Message: 21954
Date: 2003-05-16

>the other "belts" use "g'i" instead of "vi".

In which region do Romanians say "eu g'in, tu g'ii, el/ea
g'ine, noi g'inim, voi g'initzi, ei/ele g'in"? Do they
also say "g'eneam, g'eneai, g'enea, g'eneam, g'eneatzi,
g'eneau" and "g'enii, g'eni$i, g'eni, g'eniram, g'eniratzi,

I'm asking because I've never heard this pronunciation
(unlike the Maramuresh zin, zii, zîne, zînim, zînitz,
- which I heard very many a time).

(In my region - one of the richest in these palatalizations
and in which the subdialect is 99% the same as in
Maramuresh - the verb "to come" is with v- only.)

>And how you observed too, not in every word,
>but there where we have by default in "g" in the PIE

This is not what I remarked, since I didn't (and
won't ;-) pay attention to that.
