Re: Ukrainian words from Carpathians

From: tolgs001
Message: 21918
Date: 2003-05-15

>It should make your day, specialy when you will find out that rom.
>"bât", ill<rian "veter" (actual< alb vjetër) are more old as
>the Latin vetus & veteranus . The rom. word is the most old
>of them since the form is with "b" as expected from PIE *gW.
If you ask for explanations I won't be sad, but if I tell you that
gW > b in Rom. and /b/ > /v/ _just

Immer das gleiche Spruechlein kraechzt Jakobs Elster!
We chewed this many a time both on r-lang and here.
So why bothering giving a darn on all input you got
since you've convinced yourself anyway that your pal
Mr Vinerean is right, and the rest of the world is
ignorant? So, don't worry, be happy. :=)

>Mr. Iacomi, the rothacism is athested in Latin already, even the
>rothacism of intervocalic /n/ not only of /l/. I guess you don't
>ask me seriously to bring you some examples, do you?

Why not? Go ahead, perhaps it'll be additional
nutrimentum spiriti on the list.
