aha-m mi-k

From: tgpedersen
Message: 21859
Date: 2003-05-14

As I thought

ma aku "for me" Tongan (Mariner) [according to Bopp, 1840]

except that 'ma' is a preposition, and not a 1st sg. pronoun.
Or? 'aku' isn't found elsewhere in Tongan.

Cf. 1st, 2nd sg.: Chukchi 'G&m', 'G&t', Gothic 'mik', 'Tik'.
Question now is: did the Goths speak backwards Chukchi, or the
Chukchs (?) backward Gothic? ;) Anyway, both elements are there.
Seems the 'aku' (?) word could be used outside of 1st sg.

But cf for 1st sg use
(h)anak-ku "my child" Malayan, Javanese
anac-co do. Tagalog
zanak-ko do. Mad.

Doesn't Hungarian have a corresponding 1st sg possesive (and 1st sg
verbal suffix)?
