From: Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
Message: 21830
Date: 2003-05-13
>As many times as it takes.
> Jens:
> >You don't know how frequent the *z...
> Ach. How many times are you going to wave everything away with
> "We don't know this and we don't know that -
> - therefore I haveI didn't behave that way even once.
> license to propose anything I want and everyone else can stuff it."
> This is blatant proof that you don't comprehend Occam's Razor.Occam is no good if the evidence is there to disprove what was erroneously
> Jens:
> >This boils down to the question what is evidence and what is not.
> Occam's Razor already answers this question for us, so it's not rocket
> science. The most likely and most efficient solution wins out. Duh.
>How does one weigh the relative complexity of the competing scenarios
> If one theory has a bunch of unlikely probabilities strewn together and
> another combines the _likeliest_ most "boring" possibilities, we opt
> for the latter. If we have two likely candidates for a theory but one
> has ten assumptions and the other has only three, we go for the one
> with only three. We determine what is likely and what isn't based on
> evidence at hand. Frequencies in world languages are most helpful.
> This is why your theory lacks credibility. It uses the more unlikelyThe defense of my suggestions is not based on the mere possibility, i.e.
> possibilities (three-way length contrast, a rare phoneme in common
> affixes, etc). Sure, these things exist in _some_ languages but we
> could probably find a language somewhere to support anything.
>You are not addressing the issue. Which was in part: My suggestion
> Sure, we "don't know" ANYTHING if you want to resort to that kind
> of cheap pseudo-validation for your theories, but we equally don't
> know whether any of your million-and-one assumptions are true... so
> let's just not assume them at all! Let's just ignore you and continue
> on with our lives in logical harmony.
> If you can't comply with Occam's Razor, there's something
> fundamentally wrong with your brain. There's nothing in Occam's
> principle that states "we don't know anything so..." That must be the
> "Ignorance Razor" that you're using. You must have terrible skin rash.