Re: [tied]Nestor Chronic ( it was Re: cardinal points)

From: alex_lycos
Message: 21818
Date: 2003-05-12

----- Original Message -----
From: "george knysh" <gknysh@...>
> thus an immense literature to consult. I don't think
> you have the competence to interpret these texts on
> your own. This may sound unkind, but in reality I am
> doing you a favour.

Dear George,

I don't affirm any competence. I just want to read it by my own and this
is all. The passage I gave is from a Diploma Work of a guy called
Christian Schneider, kept in Wien in 1986.

Mr. George can confirm you this. It seems, from what you say, it should
be very interesting to read the whole Chronic. After this we will reopen
the topic. Do you agree?

What about the family name of Nestor?