[tied]tall as an palm ( it was Re: cardinal points)

From: m_iacomi
Message: 21791
Date: 2003-05-12

In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "alex_lycos" wrote:

>>>> Even with the loosing of the intervocalic "b" I don'T see how
>>>> to get an /o/ in Rom. from /ui/
>>>> cubitus > cuitus > cuitu > ?
>>> /kúbitu/ > /kúBetu/ > /kúãtu/ > /kút/, I guess
>> I presume you wanted to write /kúãtu/ > /kwãtu/ (stress falling
>> on /ã/) > /kotu/ (with usual reduction of /wã/ > /o/ as in /unã/ >
>> /uã/ > /wã/ > /uo/ > /o/)
> Interesting. That would mean the first was /E/ > /ã/ and just
> after this was lost the /B/.
> But a stressed /E/ has any chance to become /ã/ ?

It's not stressed. As Miguel already put a mark on "u", you should
have noticed stress position in the word.

> As una > o I am reluctant to accept this explanation since /una/
> is still alive but by myself I don't have an another explanation
> for "o"= english "a"

It is not /una/ but the unstressed form (without article), "unã"
which is RPC and Aromanian, and evolved into "o" in Dacoromanian.

Case closed
Marius Iacomi