Re: [tied] Re: Proto-Albanian

From: alex_lycos
Message: 21491
Date: 2003-05-03

Abdullah Konushevci wrote:

alex asked:
>> A very intersting question should be how is spelt the word "Danube,
>> Donau" in Albanian, maybe Abdullah will help us out here

> ************
> Danau was spelt earler Tuna and today Danub. I am afraid that first
> variant may be under influence of Turkish or Osmanish, but I am not
> sure
> I must notice here that we have unvoiced stop in river name: Llap,
> besides Slavic form Llab, that preserves much older form. Also, there
> is oronim Korab and also river name in antiquity Abhas
> Also in indifinite form, at the end of the words, we have always
> unvoiced stops, until in definite, voiced ones: thelp, but thelbi,
> etc
> I owe these explanations to M. Vidal
> Konushevci

I was afraid this is lost in Albanian and I guess Piotr knew why I
the Romanian name for Danube is Dunãre.
If this is a compounded word as the "mazãre", "viezure" then the root is
for sure "don-" and the suffix is the same "-ele"
The "o" becanme "u" before "n" so it is a very regular derivation :
don+ele > dunãre.

Here it ought to see if the Name of Poseidon is to explain trough
Danube, if there is a compound Posei+don.

Abdullah, can you tell me please if in Albanian the stressed /e/ becomme
regulary an /je/ ? (vjedhullë)