From: Jens Elmegård Rasmussen
Message: 21407
Date: 2003-05-01
> The acute->circumflex metatony is regular in monosyllables (that'swhy
> we have, say, juo~s < júos or pro~ < pró (but <pró-> the prefix)etc.).
> One'd better ask where we _don't_ see the rule at work. Well, allthe
> exceptions I am aware of have to do with pronouns' declinationalpolysyllables
> flexions : (eg., (Ins. sg. ) jà < já:, (Acc. pl.) jàs < já: and the
> like) and are traditionally explained as analogical after
> (which is supported by dialects, where sometimes even the acutelength
> is restored on the analogy with definite pronouns; and if _this_is not
> an analogical restoration, then it's a failure of the Leskien'slaw,
> which is extremely unlikely).Could you get this important message across to other scholars, for I
>said' <
> As for the polysyllabic part (+acute (on /au/, /ei/ or /ai/) ->
> [+circumflex]/_# in both mono- and polysyllables), the examples are
> rather trivial: <sakau~> 'I say' < *saká:u, <sakei~> 'you (2sg.)
> *sakéi, <sakai~> 'you (2sg.) say' < *saká:i).Yeah, I had a feeling that would be the basis of it. It is not
> [...] The rule [of circ. in monosyll., JER]I completely agree.
> works both in open and closed syllables.