At 7:11:05 PM on Tuesday, April 1, 2003, João Simões Lopes
Filho wrote:
> OHG Ge:rberaht (Gerbert), Ge:rbald (Italian Garibaldi),
> Ge:rwalt (Gerald) OE Ga:rwin,
> Ga:rwig (Garry, Gary), Ga:rweald (Gerald), ON Geirrödr
Modern English <Gerald> is from the Continental Gmc. name;
OE <Ga:rweald> is very poorly attested. I've found no
instance of OE <Ga:rwi:g>; <Gar(r)y> is probably a
transferred surname derived from one of the Cont. Gmc. names
in <Ge:r->, most likely <Gerald> or <Gerard>, which tended
to be confused in medieval England. (Both were also
simplified to <Garrat> and the like.)