From: alex_lycos
Message: 20204
Date: 2003-03-22
> Dear AlexOK, then "sk" > "h" . Then wherefrom is the "sk" in Alb?
> Albanian hirrë "Kasewaser" is realy from *sker with at most regular
> evolution of cluster sk- > h- (cf. Alb. i huaj < hon "foreig" and
> Greek ksenos through metathesis; Alb. hana "moon" < PIE *skand-;
> Alb. hije "shadow" (cf. Greek skia), Alb. hudra "garlic" (cf. Grrek
> ta skorda "garlics"), Alb. hell "skewer" < PIE *sko:los, Alb. i
> hollë "thin" (cf. Greek skeleton), Alb. hap < *skep- "spalten"
> (Meyer, p.146), Alb. njoh "to know" < *gnosco, etc.
> I must confirm that hajvan "animal" is oriental loanword.