From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 19025
Date: 2003-02-22
>Bomhard (in Nostratic: Sifting the Evidence) hasWhat _are_ you talking about? The 1st sg. is -m, 2sg. -t, with plural
>xxx sng. plur.
>1st G&-m mu-ri
>2nd G&-t tu-ri
>1st sg. from 'aku' and 'man' again, almost like Skt aham, or,
>reversely Germanic 'mik'.
>If 'aku' meant only "spirit" or "self" orThat's simply the emphatic particle *-g(e) added to the personal
>the like and originally had nothing paticularly 1st sg. about it,
>might it not be responsible for the -k of 'mi-k', 'Ti-k' etc of