Re: [tied] alb. gji (breast)

From: alex_lycos
Message: 18511
Date: 2003-02-07

a96_aeu@... wrote:
> Hi !
> Does anybody know if there is any relation between Albanian 'gji'
> (bosom, breast) and Latin 'die' (suckle) ?
> Alvin

Latin "die"? I could find just diecula, dierectus, dies (= old latin
genitival form for "Gott"= PIE *dieus"), Dies Piter= Juppiter

Maybe is there a connection with "sugo"?
The Germanic has too "saugen" as Latin "sugo", Ahd= "sugan".
the PIE root should be *seu-, *seWa.

I wonder why latin and germanic developed this "g" from PIE *seu,-,
And if Albanian should belong maybe here why lost the "s" ?
