From: Richard Wordingham
Date: 2003-01-28
> But Piotr, there is not a joke. The latin short /i/ remains an /i/in
> This abracadabra with diphtongation , triphtongation, breaking & co
> too complicated in comparation witharchaich
> PIE forms where some words in romanian are very simple to derive:
> *kerdh > cârd
> *ger-1 > ghearã
> *ueidh > vãduv
> *wid > uita
> *weid >vedea
> *ap-2 > apa
> *gwrendh or bhrendh> brând(uSa), and so on.
> It seems to me that is improbable that on a side you have such
> forms but on another side you need so complicated changes like fromto
> latin to romanian. I just learn and I want to learn. You dont need
> feel angry. But when I see that a short /i/ remains /i/ in RomanianAlex, it takes about 200 rules to derive French from Latin, so do not
> despite the demonstration of Miguel , I must wonder about.