Vocative [Re: yellow]

From: tolgs001
Message: 18064
Date: 2003-01-25

Miguel Carrasquer wrote:

>Of the cases, the vocative was lost

but the vocative is still extant in Romanian,
isn't it?

("Doamne!" = "Lord!", "domnule!" = Sir!,
"domne!" = Sir! <a bit slangy or colloquial>,
"baiete!" or with article "baiatule!" = boy!
"capitane!" = captain! "Traiane!" = Trajan!
"Ovidiule!" = Ovid! "Adriane!" = Adrian!
[but "Adriana!" or with the south-Slavic
suffix "Adriano!" = Adrienne! "camarade!"
= comrade! etc.) (masc.+neutr. sing. "-e"
or "-le", fem. sing. "-a, -a~ or -o"; plural:
all of 'em, if with def. art. "-lor", other-
wise the plural vocative gets the same ending
as the N,A)

George Stana