Re: [tied] Laryngeal theory as an unnatural

From: aquila_grande
Message: 18057
Date: 2003-01-25

--- In, "P&G" <petegray@...> wrote:
> > -Some time when the wovel "e" was tuned to "o" or sometimes "a",
> > creating the qualitative ablut. This was effected by neighbouring
> > consonants - some of wich were laryngeals.
> Unfortunately we see the e/o pattern in many places where there
were no
> laryngeals. We do not see an e/a or o/a pattern except where there
is a
> vocalised laryngeal. This rather supports the standard theory,
don't you
> think?
> Peter

Well, what you write here does not contradict my hypotesis.

What I say Is this: Neighbouring consonants caused the shift of wovel
quality. Some of these were laryngeals, other not. I.E the wovel
coloring from laryngeals is only a special instance of a coloring
process that occured at one spesific period. Namely: Coloring of
wovels from ajacent consonants.

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