Re: [tied] Re: Elohim

From: philippos2003
Message: 17763
Date: 2003-01-18

we ought so cut Job 1-2 and the last chapter from the others. Job is an very old tale which desserved centuries after a new point of view about the problem: a right man and his very bad conditions of live : Why does it happens so?
From: P&G
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Re: Elohim

> isn't Job the oldest book of the Bible or something like that?

No, this is absurd.  Job is hard to date, but almost certainly it is no
earlier than the 8th century prophets, and probably is later than the exile.
Though I confess, I don't know the most recent theory on this.


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