Re: [tied] *pa(x)u- "small" and "fire"?

From: P&G
Message: 17455
Date: 2003-01-07

>Raimo Anttila argued against Schwebeablaut being a regular process in PIE
grammar in a >book published in 1969. Much of what has been treated as
Schwebeablaut can be analysed >as sporadically occurring secondary
("ahistorical") full grades, metathesis (when the medial >consonant is *r,
as in *perk^- ~ *prek^-) or suffix ablaut of the type *CeR-u-/*CR-eu-.

Yes, that's what I thought.

>What Glen had in mind was "Schwebeablaut of the third kind", when the final
consonant is >suffixal.

