Re: [tied] *pa(x)u- "small" and "fire"?

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 17441
Date: 2003-01-06

To be sure, Raimo Anttila argued against Schwebeablaut being a regular process in PIE grammar in a book published in 1969. Much of what has been treated as Schwebeablaut can be analysed as sporadically occurring secondary ("ahistorical") full grades, metathesis (when the medial consonant is *r, as in *perk^- ~ *prek^-) or suffix ablaut of the type *CeR-u-/*CR-eu-. What Glen had in mind was "Schwebeablaut of the third kind", when the final consonant is suffixal.


----- Original Message -----
From: "P&G" <petegray@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] *pa(x)u- "small" and "fire"?

> >t's not meant to be a "general theory" ...The CVCC/CCVC thing only
> > accounts for the extension *-eu- and *-ei-, the s-aorist and the usual
> > accent alternating verb pairs (eg: *ters-/*tres-).
> Forgive me climbing on board a thread I have only half been following - I
> may have misunderstood what you mean. If you are talking about the
> schwebeablaut alternation CVCC / CCVC in PIE in general, then isn't it
> rather more widespread than just those extensions? There are a number of
> roots which show it, and it's a rather important factor in the laryngeal
> theory. You probably didn't mean PIE roots in general, but I need to
> check,
> Peter
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