Re: [tied] Re: caleo was [calendar]

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17316
Date: 2003-01-01

Piotr Gasiorowski wrote:
> Alex,
> Germanic *kallo:jan- is a _verb_, and *-o:-j-an- is a string of
> sufixes making up the ending of the most numerous class of "weak"
> _infinitives_. An infinitive cannot serve as a personal name. The
> actual Germanic root here is *kall-, which looks like a reflex of
> pre-PGmc. *gal-n- (cf. Slavic *golsU 'voice', reduplicated *golgolU >
> OCS glagolU 'word'). No formal relation to Lat. calo:, which however
> appears to be related to Gk. kaleo: 'call, summon, invoke'.
> Greek kalos (< kalwos) means 'beautiful, fair, handsome, shapely,
> fine' etc., exactly as George said.
> Piotr

I understand. Kalwo is not kalo tough, isnt it? I was looking just for
"kalo" how George wrotte.In the online dictionary I use for greek there
is no entry for "kalwos":-(
And I do not remember that the name of Caloian is written
"Calouian/Calwoian" but every person can make mistakes.
Do you think there is no connection regarding colind, caloian, colaceri
and greek kalein and latin *calo?

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