Archive problems

From: Ken Pfrenger
Message: 16849
Date: 2002-11-22

Richard Wordingham wrote:

> Were you told the list was empty or could not be found? Torsten and
> I have been getting an error message like that when the list server
> refuses to search any further back.

And I thought it was just me...I keep getting the Arcives for the Cybalist is
empty...which of course it isn't. So as a result I have had to go back to the
first posts and do a page by page search for things which takes forever. On a
bright note....reading the early posts has really helped me along in my
study. There is a great deal of information there for someone just starting
out. I have been on this list for a while and have to admit that alot of what
you folks post here shoots way above my head. Only after getting a bit of the
skinny from the early posts am I starting to absorb some of what you guys are
