Re: [tied] Gmc. *bru:diz

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 16377
Date: 2002-10-17

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 16:55:33 +0200, Piotr Gasiorowski
<piotr.gasiorowski@...> wrote:
>From: Miguel Carrasquer
>> I agree with Jens that this etymology deserves to be true. I have some questions, however. Is a form *m(e)ru(H)- attested anywhere, besides m(e)ri(H)-? What is the Proto-Germanic form: *bru:þis or bru:dis (or are they Verner variants)?
>*bru:diz, definitely (OE bry:d, ON brúðr, OHG bru:t, etc.; Goth. bru:þs is affected by final devoicing).

It's just that my 1957 German etymological dictionary (Kluge/Götze/Mitzka) says
"gemeingerm. *bru:þi-", which kind of confused me (enough to spell -z as -s).

>*mru:-tís is certainly attractive, but it would be nice if we could demonstrate that *mr- (and perhaps *ml-) survived in Germanic till after Grimm's Law to become *br-, *bl- (phonetically [Br-, Bl-]). Any etymologies worth reexamining?

Perhaps OE, OS bregdan "to plait", Du. breien "to knit" ~ Grk. brokhós "Strick,
Schlinge, Masche", MIR. braige, braga "captive", OCS mre^z^a "Netz, Schlinge"
(*mregh-) ?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

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