Re: [tied] Check out Origin of Ancient Languages

From: Amedeo Amendola
Message: 16255
Date: 2002-10-14

Hello, you all,
I have come in the middle of your discussion.... and I have not been
able to follow all the fibers of the thread.
Just a few speculations about two words stated by X99:

I feel sure, too, VIADUA and ADORA are Latin, though not available as
such in Latin dictionaries.
ADORA [via adora] employs the adjective ADOREUS/-A < ador = spelt,
the European type of wheat. So if Adora = Via Adorea, then: The Wheat
Certainly VIADUA is not a word formation like TRIVIUM, etc. This is a
formation I find in Italian (from Latin):
Adjective ADUNCO < Aduncus = ad uncus = in the manner of a hook [the
V shaped end of a branch-made hook]. So, I would derive thus:
VIADUA = via ad dua [feminine because of Via]= [non-existing but
feasible Italian: via a due; viaddua] = road in two; paired road (two
parallel roads); [possibly:] two-lane street.

If you know the context of the use of those words, please let me
know. The context should show the plausibility of the interpretation.

--- In cybalist@..., Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@...>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: x99lynx@...
> To: cybalist@...
> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 6:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [tied] Check out Origin of Ancient Languages
> > Just a small suggestion here that the idea that the "Aestii"
represented a tribe may be creating the problem here. Western Celtic
outposts along the Danube show that one of their strategies may have
been to take a strategic location -- without occupying a region or
becoming a "tribe" in the modern sense. It's therefore possible that
the language "like the Britons" reported by Tacitus was accurate,
referring to the language of the trade route or traders at a certain
point. There were many instances in history where trade was carried
on by what might be considered 'outsiders' and where "colonies" were
not settlements but rather "trading outposts." The influence of
Celtic-like material culture in the area of modern Poland might
support such a possibility.
> I agree in principle. One immediately thinks of the "Veneti" in
this context. The linguistic relationships of a number of extinct
languages (Venetic [as known from north Italy], Lusitanian, Messapic)
are probably best defined using my "para-" terminology. Italic
originated somewhere in central Europe (Austria, Bohemia, Bavaria?)
and although we find it in Italy in historical times, any number of
residual dialects may have remained north of the Alps. The spread of
Celtic and then of Germanic lead to their eventual extinction, but
perhaps not everywhere.
> > Another thought -- with regard to the names "Viadua" and "Adora" -
- it may be that the names were never used in pre-literate Germanic.
We are not given the source of the names or who used the names. They
do look supiciously Latin. (I seem to remember via tria and via
quarta from somewhere and "-dora" might apply to some kind of tax or
duty.) Perhaps they were Roman traders' notes on maps that were
taken to be names. America got its name in much the same way.
> I find the etymologies *wi-adu-a: and *ad(u)-ra: very tempting. The
element *adu-/*adro- (Pokorny's reconstruction) 'current, channel' is
attested in Italic and Venetic hydronymy. I've heard of bivium,
trivium and quadrivium, but what would "via duo" (?) mean in Latin?
Note that there is something remarkable about the right bank of the
lower Oder: there was a chain of small but distinct archaeological
groups there in late La Tene early Roman times. Between AD 0 and 200
they remained differed from the Przeworks and Wielbark cultures, and
while materially similar to the cultures of the Elbe Germani, they
were not identical with them either.
> Piotr

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