Re: Quintilian and Isidorus about barbarian langauge

From: Amedeo Amendola, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.
Message: 16223
Date: 2002-10-13

We take "barbarism" in many ways. One, about a person, as to what he
is, whether he inserts some African or Spanish name [word] in the
Latin discourse... The third vice of barbarism is... as in the case
of a verb, whether he adds or subtracts a syllable or a letter; or
substitutes one for another, or places a word, which is correct, in
another place...

A barbarism, however, is named from [??barbaria gentibus??] the
barbarian practices of people, when they do not fully know Latin

A barbarism is committed in writing and in pronunciation. In
writing... if one adds a letter or a syllable to a verb, makes a
change, transforms, or subtracts. In pronunciation, however, it is
committed in the timing, pitches, breathings, etc.
That was easy (I did not have to look up any word), but don't ask me
to translate Virgil....

--- In cybalist@..., alexmoeller@... wrote:
> The source I used is the same as in the text with Herodot. For
> confirmation or rejecting I will be very thankfully.
> Too, I will be very thankfully for a translation of the latin
> texts in one of better to understand langauge, like english
> for instance:-)
> Quintilian Inst. I 5. :
> barbarismum pluribus modis accipimus.Unum, in gente, quale
> sit, si quis Afrum vel Hispanum Latinae orationi nomen
> inseart... Tertium est illud vitium barbarisimi... ut verbo,
> cuilibebit, adjiciat litteram syllabamve vel detrahat; aut
> aliam pro alia, aut aemdem alio, quam rectum est, loco ponat."
> Isidori Orig. I 31.1
> Appelatur autem barbarismus a barbaria gentibus, dum orationis
> latinae integritatem nescirent.
> -ibid I.31 3:
> Barbarismus autem fit scripto et pronunciatione.Scripto... si
> quis in verbo litteram vel syllabam adiiciat, mutet,
> transmutet vel minuat.Pronunciatione autem fit in temporibus,
> tonis, aspirationibus etc.