Re: Cumbre Vieja

From: tgpedersen
Message: 15638
Date: 2002-09-20

--- In cybalist@..., "Richard Wordingham" <richard.wordingham@...>
> --- In cybalist@..., "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> >
> > I see on my TV set that Cumbre Vieja, the inactive half of the
> > large volcanic Canary Island of La Palma is on the verge of
> > precipitously into the sea, causing a huge tsumami; an
> > eventual fate for any such a volcanic island, my TV set assures
> > Imagine that, I thought, that it is possible for an island just
> > outside the pillars of Hercules to disappear under the sea in one
> > terrible night, with no further warning than a volcanic eruption?
> We have already had that documentary, or a very similar one, on UK
> television.
Probably the same one.
It was shown a few years ago. A number of immediate
> thoughts are:
> (a) Don't bet on it happening in our lifetimes.
Ah, now I feel much better.
> (b) While about half the island will slide into the sea, the island
> won't disappear.
No, but it's the principle that counts.
> (c) The popular scientific press, e.g. 'New Scientist' in Britain,
> have already warned the insurance industry of the devastation that
> will be wrought in the US as a consequence.
So they said.
> (d) The excavation of Atlantis (or its dependent settlements) has
> already begun. I think it's where we've long thought it was
> and the culture looks Minoan.
Yes, the culture on Thera looks Minoan. Have they found inscriptions
to the effect that "This is Atlantis"?
> (e) Why would tsunami damage force people to emigrate long
> other than as pirates?
I think their island slipping from under their feet would make
anybody emigrate. Haven't you watched Superman?
But seriously, Plato places Atlantis just outside of the pillars of
Hercules. There's no telling how much of Canaria already disappeared
under the waves.
> Richard.

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