Can of worms :) [Re: ...]

From: George S t a n a
Message: 15177
Date: 2002-09-06

>[Moeller] i dont have an english dictionary here:-(

Jumpin' tootin' blazes! :) I myself posted Webster's URL for
you more than once on another list:
(There you get even etymologies.)

>blindworm told me just a " vierme orb" or in German BlindWurm.
>A lizard is not a wurm. That was what I tought. Is a lizard a
>worm? :-))

Te faci de bacanie...

>And beside this the usual meaning is serpent or better said viper.

The meaning "viper" or "poisonous snake" is in Romanian
chiefly in the _figurative sense_. The primordial definition
is reserved for that legless kind of lizard.

>I even didnt knew that "naparca" as small
>boat is still in use. And you talk about worms :)))

Oh, yeah? Then check this up in the German vocabulary: a "Lindwurm"
is a... dragon (at least as small as a... Tyrannosaurus Rex or as a
Jabberwocky. ;-).
