Re: [tied] dinte=dentis

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 15055
Date: 2002-09-03

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miguel Carrasquer" <mcv@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] dinte=dentis

Tooth, PIE *h1dónts, G. *h1dénts (OIr. dét, We. dant, Lat.
de:ns, Goth. tunTus,
ON tOnn, OE tóT, OHG zand, Lith dantìs, Grk. ódo:n, odóntis,
Arm. atamn, Av.
dantan-, Skt. dánt-). The Slavic word zo~bU (dim. zo~bIcI) is
from PIE *g^ombh-
(> English comb, German Kamm), which means "tooth" in Slavic,
Tocharian <kam>
and Albanian <dhëmb>.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

[Moeller] thank you Miguel
If I suppose romanian zimtz commes from g^ombh I need just to
explan the "tz" here because the rules works.
"o" diftongated in romanian and there is an "jo" so, under the
influence of this "jo" "g^" became africatized and we got a
zimb g^ombh>zimb
I have no ideea how to get the last "tz" here

If I suppose romanian zimtz come from h1dents then d under
influence of diftong from "e" became "z" and I have zints. I
cannot explain the cahnge of the nasal "n" to nasal "m" here.
I see alone where are my borders because I cannot help myself
where I dont know:-)

But, maybe I get some help from someone on the list here and I
see if zimtz comme from g^ombh or from h1dents and with the
explanation of my 2 questions ( by g^ombh: where from "tz", by
h1dents , where from m=n:-)


a. moeller

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