Re: [tied] Bangani

From: tgpedersen
Message: 14739
Date: 2002-08-29

> 1)Bangani "kOtro" has the same composition in your way to see
> it: co=sufix, tro=root
> cotropiin romanian co=prefix, tro=root, pi=?
> 2)what does speak against "tro" beeing a root and what does
> speak for "trop" beeing a root?
> 3)the rumanian word has an unknown ethymology, could not be
> linked to any latin word, or slavic or german or hungarian or
> turcic. They tried everyone who once was hunting in Balcans ,
> but nothing found:-)

--- In cybalist@..., Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@...>
> <kOtrO> is supposedly related to Celtic *catu- and Germanic *xaþu-
(OE heaþu) 'battle', with an *-r- extension visible in German
Hader 'quarrel', Balto-Slavic (OCS kotora 'fight', Lith.
kata~ryti 'beat') and Sanskrit (<s'atru-> 'enemy'). The Balto-Slavic
words may be Centum loans themselves, and the ultimate reconstruction
would then be *k^at-u- ~ *k^at-(o)r- (Pokorny's *k^at- 'fight,
struggle). This works for the Bangani substrate, but not for
Romanian, since if you divide <cotropi> or <cutropi> into <cotro->
and <-pi-> the latter cannot be accounted for (as Miguel said,
there's no such suffix). If one wants to etymologise it, the most
promising starting point is to analyse it as <co-/cu-> (a familiar
prefix) plus <-trop-> and then try to explain the latter. If that
doesn't work, there's little hope than anything else will.
> Piotr

What is the nature of that *-r- extension? Is it found elsewhere too?


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