Re: [tied] Re: Europeans descend from Basques...

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 13816
Date: 2002-06-10

>>Ultimately Uralic and IE languages _aren't_ native to

>1. Europe goes a long way East!

So it does. But I'm thinking in a period of 10,000 years.
Sorry about the confusion. Uralic is related to the
Yukaghir family originating from further east.

>2. Georgian is as old as Basque, perhaps older. I forgot it and its

"Older" in what sense? And what's your point there?

>3. Piotr Giasowski for one favours a Balkan homeland for IE.

I know. I've come to that consensus as well for the
most part. However, I don't agree that IE was always
there. I believe that it slowly migrated to that region
between 7000 and 5000 BCE from a more northeasterly
position, personally.

>This model of a native group adopting farming early and
>then spreading through much of Europe would make IE a
>native European language family, with a Balkan or Greek

Well, then we are redefining native according to European
borders then. They would not be native to Western Europe.
Even so, how long does someone have to be in a region
before they are "native".

>Also, what splits a dialect cluster into independent

A mixture of laziness, imperfection, seperation and time.

>The paper makes it clear that extracting numbers from
>the genetic data was not easy - the Neolithic immigrants
>were similar to previous immigrants!

Explain "previous immigrants"?

>As to Finno-Ugrian, has anyone answered Piotr's question
>about substrates in Scandinavian Finno-Ugrian? (I think
>the question of the Finno-Ugrian homeland probably belongs
>with the Nostratic group!)

The general consensus is a region west of the Urals for
the Uralic.

- love gLeN

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