Re: [tied] to George Knysh

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 13186
Date: 2002-04-10

[Truncated the text of Mommesn]

> die Geten oder 
Daker am anderen Donauufer alle eine und dieselbe Sprache redeten. Es  hatte diese Sprache in dem roemischen Kaiserreich
> eine aehnliche 
Stellung wie die der Kelten und der Syrer. Der  Historiker und  Geograph der augustischen Zeit, Strabo, erwaehnt die
> Gleichheit
der  Sprache der genannten Voelker;////

[George wrote:]

*****GK: My understanding of this is that Mommsen underlines (following Strabo) the closeness if not identity of Getan and Dacian (and more generally
Thracian). He compares them to Celtic and Syrian as "local" languages of the Empire in their areas. But I see nothing here to indicate an identity of Latin,
Celtic,Thracian, and Geto-Dacian.*****


I mentioned this text ONLY for the Balkans and not for all south of Europe.
From the truncated text you put here, indeed you can just understand the only dacian and the getae spoked the same language.I will try my very best to translate the whole text.

<<Original Mommsen>>
Vielfach und sicher ist es bezeugt, dass die Voelkerschaften des Gebiets, welchem infolge der roemischen Provinzialteilung schliesslich der Name Thrakien geblieben ist, sowie die moesischen zwischen dem Balkan und der Donau, und nicht minder die Geten oder Daker am anderen Donauufer alle eine und dieselbe Sprache redeten. Es hatte diese Sprache in dem roemischen Kaiserreich eine aehnliche Stellung wie die der Kelten und der Syrer. Der Historiker und Geograph der augustischen Zeit, Strabo, erwaehnt die Gleichheit der Sprache der genannten Voelker .............
<< Translation >>

Many times it is witnessed that the folks of the territory, which as result of roman territorial adjustement, only the name Thrace remained, as well as the moesian between Balkan and Donau and not less the Getae or the Dacians form the another side of the Donau,they spoked all one and the same language. This language have had the same position within Roman Empire as the language of the Celts and of the Syrians. The historyan and geogrph of the augustian time, Strabo, mentioned too the equality of the langauge for these folks........

<< End Transaltion

So I see Mommsen speaks about the therritory called Thracia, about Moesia and about Dacia, and he speak about the folkes ther . Not just Dacian beeing the same with Getae.

To exclude any misinterpretations:

when I said "strabo said" I mentioned the texts regarding once to dacians and once to celtic dialect from Galia. Strabo never said the celts and the dacians speak the same language.
Strabo mentioned just the celtic dialect from Galia is very similar to latin on a hand, on another hand, Strabo mentioned a unique, only one language used in Balkans.

I agree I make maybe a failure when I say "Balkans". Please correct me where it is necesary:
 - for me , Balkans means Panonia, Dacia, Moesia, Thracia, Dalamatia, Illiricum and greek.In fact to use the today names, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, ex -Yugoslavia and Greek.
I mention this because Piotr used to say about "messapic" as beeing a balkan language. So far I know messapic was in italian peninsula , but maybe in more older times messapic was a balkan language too( I guess Piotr knows what he says.). This is why I beg you to correct me for some inadvertences I maybe make.

Please let me know if you hav the feeling my translation changed the meaning of the text

Best Regards

A. Moeller

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