eraser on europa map

From: altamix
Message: 13106
Date: 2002-04-08

If we take an India gummi, eraser , how ever you will like to call it
and begin to play on the european map we can observe a nice thing.
Let us get off the slavs from south of europe, the hungarian and the
We will see that the situation from today in the south -east of
europe is not too far from the situation of year 100 CE

We have in the south west a big mass of likely latin speaker ( see
strabon and his reference to the celt dialect from Galia).
We have in the south the same situation. The italian peoples with
they many dialects, we have the greek and the ilirians.
I take as point what Strabon too says, the greek and the ilirans
spoked a different language from thracians.The greeks are wellknown
so we dont need to get along with the argumentation, but we have the
illirians. We learn that due a very early separation of the illirians
from the thracian roots they developed an another dialect which was
pretty far from the thracian one.
We take a look in the south-east and we have the situation as in
south-west, a big mass of likely latin speakers.In the nord west we
have the big mass of german speaker , in north and north east we have
the big mass of slavs.What is different?Well, the sarmatians are
gone, the enclaves of german speakers ( bastarnae and peucinii and
herulli to name some of them).But the old nations it seems they are
still there..
Gentlmens. I make again a reference to Strabon which says that in
Balcans (beside the two exceptions greek and illirans) they speak all
the same language, the dacians from both sides of the Danube

So. We like it, we do not like it , this one , Strabon told us about
this fact.Shortly in Blacan and north of the danube , in the dacian-
getae theritories was spoken the balkan language. ( However we will
like to call it)If we assume the dacian language disappeared, then
you have to assume that the language of the balcans is disappeared.
If we cann accept the fact the dacians were eliminated from the
oldest one to the last baby, then you cannot assume anymore that
the population of the Balcan could be eliminated from the oldest
untill the last baby.
If we cann assume, Dacia was hardly colonised with colonists from
entire Roman Empier, we cannot assume the whole Balcans did become
Why? Because we do not have the people for it.Let us take a look at
the roman empire.The Balkans and Dacia made more as 1/3 from the
whole Roman Empire. Almost 1/3 were the territories from Africa and
Arabian countries.
Do you see semitic folks in Balcan?No too much. Not nation and not
even a minority.Maybe some sporadic elements.
Did romans brought sirians into colonies ? Yes they did.
Did romans brought latin and italic element in colonies? Until a time
they did it. When they stopped bringing the latin and italic
colonists in the new colonies?
Well, so far we know, it begun all with Traian. We know about a law
of Traian which has been brought 200 Years later by Antoninus.This
law forbbided to bring latino-italic elements in Colonies.What do we
know more? That in the time of Hadrian, the structure of the Army was
changed.Every legion got new recruts from the places they were
stationated.And even in the cavalery they were allowed to use they
own language. ( I mean dialects)
So.. if you consider only these few elements here, it becomes clear
that is imposible to latinise trough population 1/3 of the empire.
The things gone wrong with the slav penetration in the balcans..Later
with the turks victory over Constantinopoles.

I wondered allways why in the all ancients sources we do not find
almost nothing about the languages from the balcans.Nothing about
thracians, nothing about dacians,
nothing about moesians.
We got a lot of informations about the language of the german
people , it is said specially they speak " A GERMAN LANGAUGE" no
matter what a dialect this one was.
We got precious details about the translators used in the discutions
of the Cesars with these folks.I did not searched about the languages
of another folkd within roman empire and the references made or not
about these languages. But i guess is a good thing to prove if there
are references or too, a completely silence like in Balkans.
I rememebr very well about the discution of Aurelianus with the
gothic tribes and the details telling us about the need of the
translators there.
I remember too about the dacians sended by Traian to Roman senate
where we get the fallowing details:
"Nachdem die Daker die Waffen draußen gelassen haben wurde dessen die
Hände gebunden und dann sind sie vor dem römischen Senat sprechen
I just wonder about such details as " bounding the hands and letting
the weapons outdoors" but nothing about the language they used.
I remember very well about the episode of Maximus Thrax who spoked in
his moesian language with Septimus Severus.
And again, a lot of details and again no mention about
translators .We do have to know Maximus was an adolescent at the time
he spoked with Severus.
We know more, Maximus could hardly understand latin.Even as CEzar
later. Which latin ?The literary one?
I take a look at the romance languages from today. I spoked with a
friend of mine about all these languages and the latin language.
He is a romanian and told me as fallow:
"I cann pretty understand spanish and portugal language, italian more
better and worst, french.But latin, sorry, if I read it, I guess I
understand something but when I see a transaltion of the text I
guessed I understood, i see there is a very big difference between
what I guess and what the text means."
( Mention: the text was not a simple one, was a bit difficult)
So I ask myself: why the actually romance languages understand among
themselfs better as with the "mother tonguge"?
I know, the linguists will tell me to go somewhere with these ideas,
but there are such evidences we cannot close the eyes and assume in
balcan the thracians spoked a " undefinitely , maybe from Galapagos
Archipelague" language just for fun.
They did definitely sopked a kind a latin. Or better said, the latin
language was the most important exponant of the balcan matrix

I should like to hear arguments agains this "matrix language" in the

Best Regards

A. Moeller

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