Re: [tied] Re: Daci

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 12725
Date: 2002-03-18

According to Ovid's own report he once wrote a poem in Getic while in exile; he also boasted of his fluency in Getic and Sarmatian (though it is not clear if he actually spoke those languages or some kind of Greek-based creole of the northwest Pontic coast. Anyway, the Getic poem did not survive, and there are no Getic or Sarmatian words (other that tribal names) in his Latin poems.
----- Original Message -----
From: altamix
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Re: Daci
Maybe is a very laborius work to do , but we remember Ovid said, he used a lot of getic words in his work. So, for myself i am not able  to take every word of Ovid and to make an analyse of it for determining if this one is a latin one or a getic one. I have no ideea if such a work is already done somewhere. But it is for sure a way to find out
these "priceless gems":)