From: michael_donne
Message: 12519
Date: 2002-02-27
>The linguistic affinity of the*****GK: Perhaps in the same way as the Sinds and
>second "Nomad" aristocracy, that of the Catiari or
>Cotieri is yet to be determined. Perhaps they were
> Indic? In what way were they Indic?
> What we have is a combination of historical reports, linguisticdata and archeology that adds up to quite a lot of evidence, even if
>I'm not questioning the standard theory, I just want to separate in
>There are philological grounds for locating the dialect of theyounger Avesta in eastern Iran ca. 1200-1000.<
>We know from Assyrian sources that the Medes and the Persians hadarrived near Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran by the 9th c. BC.<
>. "Pontic Indo-Aryans" sounds like a contradiction in terms, but itshould be construed as "speakers of a non-Iranian language closely
>Are these Pontic IAs based only on the theory that the Urheimat was
> Judging from the linguistic affinities of Median, the Medesoccupied a northwesterly position within non-Pontic Iranian at an
>What affinities of Median?
> Even before Iranian-speaking peoples began to move west, we haveevidence of contacts between Hurrian and an Indo-Aryan-type language
>Is this Hittite or something else?
>It seems that the Iranian subbranch (defined by a characteristic setof common innovations) expanded at the expense of residual "non-
>Was this wiping the plate clean during the later historical
> >> The homeland of Zarathustra, and of Gathic (Gatha/Yasna Avestan,but not of the younger Avestan texts), was probably NW Afghanistan.
>Is this based only on Witzel?
> > Do the younger texts show a different homeland?dialect was apparently a NW variety of Old Avestan, with some Median
> There are several dialectal layers in the Avesta. Zarathustra's own
>Where would this put him? To the NW of NW Afghanistan? What is this
>while the younger texts, composed in a related but different dialect,contain internal evidence (place-names, etc.) connecting them with
>What is this evidence?