Re: [tied] Vanir

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 11235
Date: 2001-11-18

As I re-read your posting it suddenlu dawned on me that what they certainly refer to is not the lake itself but Karelian Aunus (Aunuks-), extending to the north of it. It fits like a glove, if it's possible at all that Ermanaric's influence reached Karelia.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Vanir

A comment to that passage in my edition of Getica states "in Aunxis
svidetel'stvujet o prebyvanii c^udi na territorii mez^du Ladoz^skim i
Onez^skim ozerami, na c^to ukazal F. A. Braun ("Razyskanija v oblasti
goto-slav'anskix otnos^enij, str. 255, so ssylkoj na Ju. Koskinena,
K. Mu"llengoffa, V. Tomas^ka i dr. ")"

I must admit I don't get the point. Lake Ladoga is called Ladoga in
ORuss, Aldeigjuborg in ONorse (if my source is correct), and I'm
aware of two Finnic etymologies (<*Aaldokas 'choppy, rising in waves'
or *Alodejoki < alode 'lowland'). Lake Onega is A"a"nisja"rvi in
Finnish (< a"a"ninen 'sonorous, resounding' ?). Rather far from