Re: [tied] Vanir

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 11219
Date: 2001-11-18

"Hermanaricus nobilissimus Amalorum in regno successit, qui multas et bellicosissimas arctoi gentes perdomuit suisque parere legibus fecit. quem merito nonnulli Alexandro Magno conparavere maiores, habebat si quidem quos domuerat Golthescytha Thiudos Inaunxis Vasinabroncas Merens Mordens Imniscaris Rogas Tadzans Athaul Navego Bubegenas Coldas." (Get. XXIII).
The attested Gothic word for "shield" is <skildus>, a u-stem like <skythus>. Whether *gultha-skildjus could have been folk-etymologised as *gultha-skythjus (Latinised as Golthescythae) is anybody's guess; I've seen stranger things happen. I wish we knew Cassiodorus' version of the name. Some of the names in Jordanes's register are probably corrupt, which is not surprising given the second-hand nature of the data. I am tempted to read <Imniscaris> as misspelt <*in Miscaris>, so that <Merens Mordens Imniscaris> could be "..., the Mari, the Mordvin in the Meshchera Lowlands, ...".
----- Original Message -----
From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Vanir

Please don't shoot me down for that speculation, but is there any probability <golthescytha> is a corruption (under the influence of ancient "Scythian" tradition) of something like **golthescilda (*gulþa-skildus)?