Re: [tied] Vanir

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 11218
Date: 2001-11-18

--- In cybalist@..., "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> *gulþa-skyþus would be Gothic for "Golden Scythian". <golthe-> is
not garbled at all; the tendency to lower *u to [o] if there was
originally a low vowel in the next syllable is common in Germanic
(cf. "Goth" : <gut->, Eng. gold < *gulþa-).
> Piotr

Thank you very much for the links - an online scanned grammar is a
rarity on the web.

Please don't shoot me down for that speculation, but is there any
probability <golthescytha> is a corruption (under the influence of
ancient "Scythian" tradition) of something like **golthescilda
