Boiotia < *bhoi- ?

From: João S. Lopes Filho
Message: 11042
Date: 2001-11-06

Could be Greek Boio:tia (boio:tos) < *bHoi- ??? cf. Bajarix, Bojorix, Bohemia, Bavaria (Bajovaria), etc. Perhaps this name came from another IE dialect (where bH->b instead of Greek ph). Boio:tos could be equivalent of Boute:s.
Other ethnonym with this prefix could be Pho:kos (<*Phoiakos < *BHoy-nko-), instead of folk-etymology from pho:ke: "seal", or even Phaiax.
Is there some etymology for Thessalos (dialectal Phettalos)? *GWHedHyalos?
Joao SL