Re: [tied] Re: Zeus roles and the IE trinity reviewed

From: João S. Lopes Filho
Message: 10862
Date: 2001-11-01

Your ideas are very likely, but I have doubts about the links of Teutates,
Quirinus and Freyr with water.
I suspect that IE triad in Greece was synchretized differently along the
many regions of Greece.

My identification of Indra-Mitra-Varuna to Zeus-Hades-Poseidon was slightly
different from Robert Graves's assumptions.

I think in Greece the law-giving god (cf. Mitra, Mithra, Tyr) was
substituted by the First Man, king of the dead, judge od the dead (cf.
Minos, Hades, Manu, Yama). So, Mino:s ( *Mino:u- a deviant form of IE
*Manu-), king of the Hais (*Sm-wid- "place of gathering", cf. Slavic
s-vidat-, see Puhvel), kept the name of the place (Ha:is>Ha:ide:s>Ha:des).
Thus, this Greek Death-king substituted the older Death-queen (cf.
Persephone, Ereshkigal), probably absorbing a minor consort of the Queen of
Dead, a god of corn.

I base my link between Poseidon and Varuna could be the watery aspect of
Indian Varuna, but now I think this trait could be an influence of Sumerian
Enki-Ea). So, I reviewed my triad as Zeus-Hades-Poseidon =
Indra(+Varuna?)-Mitra(+Varuna?)-Vayu. Ha:des, as a hatred terrible god,
could have elements of Varuna, or perhaps the Terrible Sovereign trait was
absorbed by Zeus (as in Roman, Jupiter Stator). Poseidon was a violent god,
linked to horses. Swift horses are usually called "wind's children", so I
think one (among the many another ones) trait of Poseidon was a Wind God
(cf. his son Aiolos). Other possibility, to fit the Dumezilian triad is to
consider Poseidon as the fecundity male god (similar to Freyr and Quirinus),
father of heroes, ancestor of peoples (mainly the Aeolian).
I usually consider the Twins as children of the equine Wind-God (Poseidon,
Aiolos, Boreas) and a demonic goddess of darkness, nightmares and alcohol
(cf. Medousa, Medb, Madhavi:, Erinys, Saranyu). But another possibility I'm
considering now is that Twins' father was the Fecundity god, and he was
equine, instead Wind-God. Perhaps Wind-God animal is more the wolf
(symbolism seen in Bhima), or perhaps the tiger (if we consider the IE
inhabit a territory with tigers). Other animal symbolism of the Third
Function could be the boar (Freyr, Mars, Vishnu) or the bull (Poseidon,
Shiva) or the stag (Freyr, Shiva, Cernunos).
So, my triad scheme is now closer to yours.

Hades-Zeus- Poseidon = Mitra - Indra - Vayu (Ashvins) = Odinn - Thorr -

[justice-death] - [storm-war] - [fecundity(-horse?-water?)]

In Northern Europe, the Terrible Sovereign seemed to have been merged to the

We still have to discuss more this watery aspect of the Third Function God.
Potrimpo has sure watery traits; in Freyr they are more weak, but he's son
of a Sea god, Njoerd, and he's got a ship.I see many parallels between
Freyr, Manannan/Manawyddan and Kubera : wealthy, three-legs (M. and K.),
flying ship, magic sword; they were brothers or half-brothers of a giant,
underworld, dark deity (Ravana and Bran, Freyr's brother's identification is
more complicated, maybe Surtur "the dark one", his Ragnarok rival; maybe
Beli; maybe Njord, his father).

Or would be the watery traits an element of Nasatyas? IE Twins are usually
related to vegetal and water symbolism, cf. Am@...@ta:t and Haurvata:t.

IE seemed to be a god the symbolized the male fecundity, he's the father of
people (Vofionu < Leudhiyono-, Liber < *Leudhero-, Quirinus < *Co-virinus ),
the ithyphallic Freyr, Celtic Teutates, probably one of the traits of Irish
Dagda. In Greece this character "contaminated" Hermes, Dionysos, Eros,
Poseidon, young Zeus. In India the most plausible candidate was Shiva
(merged to the Neolithic Beast-lord, as in Europe too).

Joao SL

----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Gwinn <sonno3@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 1:44 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Zeus roles

> > 6- Zeus-Poseidon-Hades = Sem Baal-Yam-Moth = IE Indra-Varuna-Mitra
> (???)
> I would prefer to see:
> Hades-Zeus-Poseidon = Mitra/Varuna-Indra/Vayu-Asvins
> [death][storm][horses]=[death][storm][horses]
> There may be some reflections of an Indo-Iranian trinity in the Kafir
> pantheon:
> Imra/Mon-Gish-Bagisht
> [creator][war][waters]
> Imra and Mon are the equivalents of Yama-raja & Manu.
> Compare the Prussian trinity:
> Pecullo-Percuno-Potrimpo
> [death][thunder][waters]
> Which seems to match the Norse:
> Odinn-Thorr-Freyr
> [death/father][thunder/war][waters]
> And the similar Gaulish:
> Esus-Taranis-Teutates
> [?father][thunder][waters/healer/"peoples' god"]
> There is an attested Gaulish personal name, likely taken from a
> divine name, Esuateros "Father-Esus" which may have been a
> replacement for *Dyeus pater in Gaulish
> The Gaulish trinity basically matches the Roman trinity:
> Jupiter-Mars-Quirinus
> [sky father][war]["peoples' god"]
> The PIE trinity may have been:
> Death god/Creator - War/Storms - Waters/Horses/Healer
> - Chris Gwinn
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