Re: Why a creole is handy in Germania

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 9839
Date: 2001-09-28

--- In cybalist@..., tgpedersen@... wrote:
> Meaning that for it to be involved in a minimal pair, it must once
> have been a phoneme?

Meaning it must _be_ treated as a phoneme even now as it
distinguishes minimal pairs.

> I have a similar question: given that Swedish Musical Accent I and
> Danish glottal stop, ie. a laryngeal are historically related, how
> come linguists have abstained (as far as I know) from relating IE
> accent and laryngeals in other IE languages?
> Torsten

That relation is commonly accepted at least in one (of two possible)
direction: PIE laryngeal are undoubtedly reflected in Balto-Slavic
pitch accents (as far as I know Swedish pitch accent is a later
development not directly related to anything PIE): -VH- (V=vowel, H-
laryngeal) reflexed as vowels (historically long) with the acute
accent, in contrast to circumflex.
