[tied] Re: Greek Gods I : APOLLO
From: Joseph S Crary
Message: 9724
Date: 2001-09-24
First, in the Cattle Raid of Hermes, Apollon appears to be
interjected into a position once held by Silenus. Second, the root of
Silenus in Hellenic means both Sun and Moon. Third, the Greek root
sélas and selc/nc has strong IE associations. Fourth, early
references to Apollon initiate he was only a god of sudden death and
plague and not light, sun, or moon. Fifth, Apollon, in its full Italo-
Tyrrhenian form Apulun, or as recorded by the Hittites, Appaliuna,
appears to be only superficially IE. I suggest Appaliuna- Apulun was
a Pelasgian and latter Italo-Tyrrhenian god of plague that over time
became a sun god.
JS Crary
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