Re: [tied] Re: Anouilh

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 9477
Date: 2001-09-14

It's an Anglicised Latin word (luctuo:sus, from luctus 'sorrow'). My French dictionary records "luctueux" (marked as archaic), though I've never seen it used. I tried a net search for "luctuous" and came up with several hits, not ALL of them quoting _Finnegan's Wake_ (though most admittedly did). Here's the weirdest example of all:
Check out all of the *luctuous* women of wrestling NUDE!! (etc.)
Wow! How luctuous!
----- Original Message -----
From: dmilt1896@...
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:48 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Anouilh

"Luctuous" is in the OED, quoted from Bailey's 1721 dictionary, but
with no example of actual usage found by OED readers.  I'm a bit
confused how it got into a cybalist message -- from Joyce, from a
dictionary, an anglicized Catalan word?

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