Re: Did IE languages spread before farming?
From: S.Kalyanaraman
Message: 9232
Date: 2001-09-09
--- In cybalist@..., naga_ganesan@... wrote:> Prof. M. Witzel said
in Indology list that IE *kwekwelo-> 'wheel' is possibly from
Sumerian gilgul. Sanskrit iiza- in iizvara> is related with
Tamil (a Dravidian language) 'iya', 'iyai' etc.
Elsewhere, David Anthony, Shards of Speech, 1995, Antiquity, v. 69
was cited: "Terms for wheel, axle and draft pole, and a verb
meaning 'to go or convey in a vehicle' suggest that PIE existed as a
single language after 3500 B.C., when wheeled vehicles were invented."
Assume *Kwekwelo- connoted the wheel; what are the IE or PIE terms
for: axle, draft pole and a verb meaning 'to go or convey in a
What are the synonyms in Sumerian, Tamil, and other languages of