Re: [tied] Patronymics; -sen, -ez

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 9019
Date: 2001-09-04

--- In cybalist@..., "Che" <almogaver69@...> wrote:

> About the s > r change, there's no such a replacement. The process
is this: Gisclasind > Giscla + sind / Gumersind > Gumer + sind; I
don't know what that "-sind(us)" suffix means, but it's clearly an
addon thing that can be dropped to uncover the "root" of the name.
Giscla + areny / gumer/gombre + areny = Gisclareny, Gombreny. An (un:
masc. and sing.) "areny" is that sandy area on the sides of rivers
and other water flows (not necessarily a beach > "platja"). There are
many toponims like that: Balsareny, Estelareny, Bastareny... within
the Old Catalonia (it is the northern part before starting conquest
towards south), the most Germanised.
I don't recognize <gumer>, <giscla> as Germanic? Explain?
