Vw again

From: markodegard@...
Message: 8878
Date: 2001-08-31

I've been treated to some Ukranian accents on live TV vis-a-vis the
Soltys capture.

I thought I heard somelike like vwery for very. Most recently, I'm
certain I heard vwictim for victim and Vwictoria for Victoria.

You also wonder about transliteration rules. What you get in German,
then French (Nabokov sniffing over 'Chagall'), and then English (and
worse, what you get in English in the Library of Congress
card catalogue) never seem to agree. The TV reports say Nicolay OK,
but others do it exactly as it's spelled -- not rhyme with 'lie'. The
Sacramento County Sheriff bumbled it into Nicholas. I cannot remember
how you spell the more difficult Russian transliterations, and have to
look them up, Tschaikovsky, and even harder, the cruise-chef of the
Communist Party during the early 60s.

Celtic spelling is perverse too. Sinnead Sine-Aid (a nasal
decongestant). What they call their prime minister is agggggh cubed.
It's not spelled Tay-Shack.

But then, English spelling is the most perverse of all. Were it
thoroughgoingly reformed, maybe all these other foreign words would
make sense.

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